
How To Install Kali Nethunter On Android : Step-By-Step Guide

  Hello hackers and geeks !! Many of us have heard of Kali linux and Kali Nethunter which we use for pentesting and hacking. This are one of the most powerful tools in use. Earlier we have an article for, “ How to install kali linux in android”. Today I will show you, how you can install Kali Nethunter in Android. For installing Nethunter, your device must be rooted. Here is complete guide to, How to root your device? 1.Then install BusyBox from play store. 2.Next step is to download and install  Nethunter  apk. 3.You can download it from  here . See the image below : 4.Allow to access the files and then give the  SuperSu  permission by clicking on Grant permission. 5.Now it will automatically detect your device build. 6.Here now, the important step is to check for the app update.  Always use the latest version. 7.Now go to  Kali Chroot Manager  an...

Termux Hacks Guide [2022] : Tutorial, Commands List, Tools, Apk, Uses, Packages

  If you think Ethical Hacking is only restricted to use of Desktops or Laptops for that matter, think again because if you have observed the way I did, third party developers have been playing a huge role in filling gaps during each stage of Technological Evolution. In this guide we will learn about various Termux hacks, termux tutorials, termux wifi hack commands list, termux guide, termux tools, apk & packages & termux uses. A similar Third Party developer called “Anonymous” has developed a Linux-self contained App called “ Termux ” which is used to install Linux based apps in Android and helps in running pure Linux apps in Android. Now you will be wondering why do I need  LINUX  apps? LINUX has a history of being a programmer centric so the purpose of TERMUX app is to help Cyber Security professionals in monitoring systems and Cyber Security practices like Penetration Testing through Mobile Networks. You may also like:  How To Hack Website Using Android W...

How Twitter Account Owners’ Passwords Get Hacked Without Them Knowing [Tutorial 2022]

  Twitter is one of the most trending sites. In this guide, we will be discussing  how to hack Twitter account password easily without letting your victim know ! Twitter Inc.  is a social media platform where one can easily share  news ,  messages  and  media  (images, audio, video). Where there is a trend, there is also is a security threat of losing account access or worse someone gaining access to yours. Why would someone do that? Well there are lot of details on profiles that is hidden and they can be useful if accessed. Also, once a  hacker  gets access to your account, they can read your personal messages and also tweet on your behalf. Hack Twitter account password – Ultimate Guide 2019 The financial benefit of hacking accounts: Well, hackers have not only posted absurd content, they have been successfully stolen a lot of unique twitter handles, of some twitter users who run their accounts for business. These hacked accounts were r...